The Hawthorne Staff

Property of: Samuel

Lore: The Hawthorne Staff was created by the Druids of Forlorn, in an attempt to destroy a powerful vampire lord in that land. The Staff is specifically designed to use the power of life to fight undead, with particular emphasis on vampires. Unfortunately, when the druids attempted to use their weapon, they discovered that their foe was not actually a vampire at all, but an entirely different creature, and the magic staff was useless to them. Their foe seized the weapon and let it fall into the hands of some foolish vampire hunters headed to Barovia. After a close call with the weapon, Count Strahd called upon some of his most trusted servants to dispose of it, and ensure that it would never return to his land.

Origin: Samuel received the Hawthorne Staff from Madame Eva of the vistani, over ten years ago. An angry weapon for an angry soul, she declared it, and told him a bit of prophecy, "The staff will be destroyed one day. And that day will come in Barovia." Since then, Samuel has avoided Barovia whenever possible.

Appearance: The Hawthorne Staff is, as the name implies, carved from Hawthorne. Intricately carved with vines and thorns. It can be weilded as a Quarterstaff, or shrink to a 1' long, sharpened stake, which is how Samuel usually carries it.

DM Note: The picture representing the staff in stake form is a photoshop combination of this wooden stake and this church wood carving. I depicted the staff in inert stake form because it was easier to photoshop than a whole thorny staff. :) I'm not sure really what shade hawthorn wood is, but I always pictured the staff as very pale in my mind, maybe because it thirsts for blood.

Powers: (2nd edition rules in red. 3rd edition rules in green.) +2 Quarterstaff (damage, attack and speed factor), shrinks to 1', grows to 7''

When held in the presence (30') of undead, who fail a DC17 Will save, or are mindless, the carved thorns become real thorns, which prick the weilder and draw blood to power the staff. ([-1 STR/1 CON damage]) (While "powered", new undead entering the area can be detected by another thorn-prick which is painful, but does not draw blood. The staff will remain "powered" until no new undead have been detected for 1 hour. The staff cannot be triggered by the same specific undead individual unless an hour has elapsed from the last time the individual was in range. Intelligent undead must make a new save each time they come into range of the staff after being out of range for at least an hour.)

The blood powers the following special powers:

Lost [STR/CON] can be regained [at 1/day or 3/day of complete bedrest /as per normal ability damage].

However, if the staff is weilded against a natural living creature or (demi-)human, the thorns only sprout where the weilder is holding it. The thorns then inflict to the weilder 1/4 the damage done with each blow. It also loses its +2 enchantment.

For this purpose, the staff reads the intent of the weilder. It does not convey any magical knowledge of whether a creature is natural or not. (i.e., if the weilder doesn't know he's attacking a werewolf in human form, the staff acts as though the werewolf really was a human, and inflicts these penalties.)

In addition, when in 1' form, the staff becomes a stake that can instantly and completely destroy a vampire with a [called shot to the heart/coup de grace] . However, the weilder takes damage equal to the 10 + current hp of the vampire.

DM note: The Hawthorne Staff was created for Samuel's use in a 2nd edition mini-campaign. When Samuel joined our 3rd edition game, we initially didn't really change it at all, even though the mechanics are a little bit "2nd edition-ish" and STR drain has a much bigger impact in 3rd edition. Back in 2nd edition, all magic quarterstaffs could extend to 12 feet and shrink to 6 feet. We took that idea and just changed the numbers to be a bit more useful for someone who could use a concealed weapon, rather than someone who needed to pole-vault from time to time. When writing it up here, we took the opportuinity to allign the staff a bit more with other 3rd Edition items, while trying to keep the original intent and flavor.

The original creation of the staff was heavily influenced by the assistance of John Baker of the Ravenloft Mailing List. The name and backstory were his work nearly completely. As he explained, "Hawthorn is a kind of thorny tree or shrub. For a long time, it was thought of as a sacred plant, and therefore extremely effective against vampires. This is most likely because traditionally, Jesus's Crown of Thorns was made from hawthorn branches."

The staff was always very powerful, but for a one-shot character, it wasn't a problem. Once Samuel became a semi-regular PC, I had to tone it down a bit. First, I took it away by "destroying" in Juste's theater, and when it returned, I made it act a bit strangely and unreliably. I justified this to myself as the staff going dormant in preparation for "spawning" a copy of itself. But the in-game effect was that I granted intelligent undead a Will save to avoid detection.